Thursday, August 06, 2009

50 First Reactions.
Today at 17:28
This is called 50 FIRST REACTIONS. Type what comes to your mind FIRST whenever you see these 50 words. Don't think and don't go back and change. Doesn't matter how random it is, just type it! Repost it for all of your (bored) friends. Consider yourself tagged if you are reading this!

1. Beer: Belly

2. Food: Hmmm...???

3. Relationships: Eh...???

4. Your CRUSH: He's Cute!!! *melt* My heart stopped beating for a couple of seconds.

5. Power Rangers: My PRs!

6. Life: Boring!

7. The President: Obama!

8. Yummy: Food?

9. Cars: Birthday Present!

10. Movies: Popcorn.

11. Halloween: Witches!

12. Sex: Gender

13. Religion: Christianity

14. Hate: Love

15. Fear: Animals!

16. Marriage: Diamond Ring!

17. Blondes: Dumb

18. Slippers: NUM

19. Shoes: Heels

20. Asians: Bored.

21. Pass time: Playground

22. One night stand: Hotel

23. My cell Phone: I want a new one!

24. Smoke: Lung Cancer

25. Fantasy: Fairies

26. College: Ang Mohs!

27. High school life: Awesome

28. Pyjamas: Slumber Party!

29. Stars: Rock

30. Center: parting

31. Alcohol: Margaritas

32. The word love: Lies.

33. Friends: FUN!

34. Money: $$$

35. Heartache: Tears

36. Time: Tick-tock, Tick-Tock!

37. Divorce: Common

38. Dogs: RUN for you LIFE!!!

39. Undies: Ah ma!

40. Parents: LOL!

41. Babies: Cries!

42. Ex: Boyfriends?

43. Song: Sing-a-long

44. Color: Rainbow

45. Weddings: Touched!

46. Pizza: Italy

47. Hangout: Chill!

48. Rest: Sleep

49. Goal: Soccer -.-

50. Inspiration:

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