Saturday, November 10, 2012

Gardens by The Bay.

Not bragging about it, but I've went to Gardens by The Bay for three times for that particular month (August). I know, it's like 2-3 months ago.
So, it's a long overdue post.

1st time was with my friend, 2nd was with my family members, lastly was with my brother's gf's family.
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Mum & my nephew and niece.
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Supertree Grove.
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There are 12 Supertrees in this garden. (if you do not know.)

Height up from 25-50 metres.
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They do have daily Garden Rhapsody whereby all Supertrees come alive with all the shimmery glitterly lights & music.
The first show at 7:45pm, followed by 8:45pm.
You might want to catch it after your dinner nearby with your friends/family/etc.

If you're wondering if you could get up the Skyway, definitely you can! :)
All you have to do is purchase a ticket, and up you go!

The kids amused by the little elephants.
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Group photo.

One last photo of the Supertree before we end the night.

& also, the Singapore flyer can be easily seen there as well.

Have been wanting to go into the Flower Dome the past 2 times I was there.
& I've got my chance! :)

Surrounded by all the plants & flowers.
Strolling in the cooling Flower Dome.

Flowers Spam.
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It took us almost an hour to complete touring the Flower Dome.

Next up was the Cloud Forest.
& there was the world tallest indoor waterfall! :)
I swear it's pretty cold when you walk past it.
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There's much more to see other than the waterfall.
If you have time, do visit this place! :)

For more details you can actually visit their website.

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