Thursday, February 19, 2009

I saw this in the facebook and I decided to post it here...
yup,I'm so FREE now!!!

Bio Data
1) Which school did you go to? Westwood sec
2) What classes were you in? 1F,2F,3E,4E
3) What was/were your favorite lesson(s)?Ms Ooi's Chinese (“学如逆水行舟,不进则退。”, Geography!!!
4) If you could remember, what time was your recess?11 plus?
5) List down your favourite food/snacks. erm...all those fried food at the malay store???

1) Did you have a nickname way back in high school? Dont't think so.
2) How did you wear your socks? I need to wear it 4fingers above my ankle!!! haha
3) Have you been suspended due to the way you put on your uniform? nope,but got nagged to tuck in our shirt.
4) Were you given plenty of reminders about your appearance? definitely!!! Pull up ur socks!!! Pin up your fringe!!! Tuck in your shirt!!! Speak English!!!
5) Who did you look up to when you were in high school? nah...not anyone...

1) Name one memorable scene where you were punished in front of the whole class. Dont have.
2) How many times did you skip class? What were you doing? I don't skip school in secondary.If you nv reach school by 8am,your form teacher will be calling up our you tell me, how can I skip??
3) Give one scene where you escaped from being caught/punished. NOne.
4) Did you vandalize any school property? nope.
5) Did you ever make any teacher cry? Nope.

1) Who was your favourite teacher? Lee Lin Cher!!! Cause he'll make fun of other teachers with the whole class!!! and he dont really teaches us in his English class!!!
2) Describe your DM. Eric Koh and Laura Lau. They're a pair.
3) Who was the funniest/weirdest/loudest teacher? MR CHAIM!!! " up...." hahaha!!!

Social Circle
1) Were you popular back then? Nope, I'm Miss Annoymous
2) Were you in a big group of boys/girls or small ones? PRs are consider a BIG or SMALL group???
3) Who were your best friends? my PRs!!!
4) Did you and your friends have nicknames? Dont think so...
5) What were you favourite memories of you and your friends? gossiping?staying in school to rot???

Co-curricular Activities
1) What type of CCA were you in?Band & eh...
2) What did you have to bring to your CCA? my Band file.
3) What did your CCA required you to do? Marching,Running,Playing Instrument,blah blah blah.
4) Got injured? Thank God! NO!

1) Who was your first crush? haha! WeiJie.
2) Are you in good terms with your last crush?eh...not sure...
3) Did you ever had a relationship with anyone in your high school? yup.
4) Have you ever made out in school? NO!

Closing Ceremony
1) How did high school changed you? Made me crazy!!!
2) Sing one verse of your school song.
A happy day is a day we spent in westwood, a place we call our second home...!
3) What was your favourite question? Ms Kok always ask us, then followed by Betty Chow copying her :"Who's Name is Westwood?!"
4) Who/what will you remember from your high school? LOTS OF THINGS!!!
5) Any memories you will not forget. Those which include me!!!

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