Friday, January 26, 2007

Things i found while cleaning up my room:

Handbooks from SEC2 to there handbook for me in SEC1???i cant remember, and oso, i cant find it...
my handbook are getting more fanciful each year...

my SEC2 and SEC3 's handbooks...

my SEC4 's handbook...i think is so there's alot of pics inside the handbook, and i stick alot of things on it...drew alot in it too...
the FRONT and BACK of my handbook...


the coffins, rope and handcuffs are drawn for my coursework...but in the end, i drop my no use draing them...

Drawn wif my frenz during free time in skool...


hahax...scary rite???


colouring...muz colour until siao...den still muz look alike wif the picture...
cut out a part from a magazine, then draw and colour the part which is being cut away...tough job...
mdm ong still told us to do five pieces lorx...
u know wad, one of my fren [mustapha], i think he only do three pieces, den his overall marks higher den me lorx...hmph!

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